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Up Topic Screenshake bug

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In Response to Andriel

>Wow, that's a late reply.

Yeah sorry, I forgot about it until I saw it in my watch list recently.

>Well, you could try.

I spent this afternoon trying to get into the source code, it got me as far as finding what looks like a function declaration of SetViewOffset inside C4GameScript.cpp, but I have no idea what the difference between .cpp and .h files or where and what the relations between different files, operations or tasks are.
I'll most likely start another attempt soon, but I find it really hard to even get an overview of some of the things happening there.

>If you are new and unsure how to go about in the engine source, search for and have a look at other functions that use screen pixels as input (as SetPlayerZoomByViewRange) and copy that behaviour.

That's what I thought too, but I couldn't understand that function. Doesn't help that I kind of suck at maths.

Well, I might accomplish something tomorrow!

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