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Up Topic [Music] Dim Lighted Cavern

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In Response to Clonkonaut
I like this one :) Haven't listened to the last one but will do so! Don't mind the 'too interesting' imho. I also like how you start with themes that could easily switch in the same scenario (not how we started, with 'fast hectic melee songs' and 'calm settlement songs'). I'd imagine something like an 'intelligent' music system (or, sorry, did you somewhere post a concept like that?) that changes from adove to below ground when the player starts running around subsurface for a longer time.

Now, something completely offtopic to this topic but stuff I wanted to ask anyhow. At the last gamejam I attended there was nice fella who did music for various teams. I got his card afterwards ([url=][/url]) and was about to ask him to contribute music to OC. He was interested in getting work references. Seems like you and K-Pone are the leading music artists here, so do you guys mind?

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