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Up Topic Feedback from first time player

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Post Reply
In Response to Anonymous
Positive issues:
- The game looks really nice.
- There are a lot of interesting things to find and experiment on. E.g. airship in dark castle. Liquids.
- Start menus look nice and are quite easy to use.
- Local area network server auto detection is nice.
- Multi-player feature is nice.
- Material and the forum in English (as I don't speak German)

Negative issues:
- Once trees start growing the performance drops and the game starts to lag a lot. Game also lags on Linux, on Unity for some reason. But that could be an unity issue and it can be solved by using another window manager instead.
- Trees grow too fast and everywhere. Perhaps some limit would be nice. "Don't grow here if there is already a tree near you".
- Some things in the game are really difficult to learn, e.g. using a pump (how to make pipes). What to put into a cannon (there could be some hint in game). Digging a hole into the ceiling. Working in water. How to build a plane.
- Player gets quite easily stuck when mining rocks or working with elevator.
- Loading a saved game fails always, at least in 3 player multi player games (dark castle scenario). The game loads, but it claims to be on "pause" and then the game freezes. Not even esc is working (but e.g. alt+tab still works)
- All the scenarios seem to be really difficult and made for professional players. It would be nice to have something other than tutorial scenarios that could be played even by a 8-year old.
- There is no hint on how to open a menu when playing the game, you just have to know what keyboard button to press. Perhaps there could be a visible button on screen that could be used with mouse? Or text saying "press x to open menu"

The game is quite playable even with all the problems, so there is a lot of potential in it.

- Version 5.4.1
- I found the game via some random Google search "linux games" or something similar.

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