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Up Topic [Music] Soundtrack finished!

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In Response to PeterW

> Ah, I forgot you use a MAC

Well, I installed Audacity, so I can produce WAV as well. Was just concerned about putting uncompressed data on my Uni account :)

> However which microphone do you use?

Hm? I just plugged the headphone output into the input of the Mac.

> Narrow spectrum

So you're missing high frequencies?

> Ok, so you use a lot of Pedal.

Unfortunately I only have a binary on/off pedal at the moment - trying to fix that. According to the manual there is a way I can reduce the depth, I'll check.

> So try to focus on rhythm, also the second chord in a bar (the first two chords usually repeat) you usually play a tiny bit too soon.

Okay - my reasoning was that it was the end of the piece, so I'd better play a bit more mellow. I'll try to liven it up a bit.

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