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Up Topic Release 5.0: Second try

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In Response to Sven2
Update failed! D:

I set up a local update server to test if the .ocu of the dry release work. They don't.

[12:10:59] [Modal] Update: Ein neues Update ist verfügbar. Soll das Update heruntergeladen und installiert werden?
[12:11:00] Datei localhost:80/openclonk-5.4.99-win32-amd64-mingw.ocu wird heruntergeladen...
[12:11:11] Datei localhost:80/openclonk-5.4.99-win32-amd64-mingw.ocu erfolgreich heruntergeladen.
[12:11:11] Error extracting "c4group64.exe": Extract: Entry not found
[12:11:11] [Msg] Update: Update fehlgeschlagen.

It seems like c4group64.exe is not in the group. Also, looking at the code, no .dll files are extracted. Does c4group work standalone?

The 32 bit update also fails (Asks for admin permissions for c4group and then application fails to start). I think this is probably a missing DLL file.

Newton, it worked for you when you tested it? Did you test 32 bit or 64 bit?

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