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Up Topic Release 5.0: Second try

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In Response to Sven2
So, concerning the current update, we can do the following now:
a) Change the release script to not generate an update for 5.4.1. Players will be directed to the homepage to download the new installer.
b) Change the release script to put the c4group.exe and c4group64.exe from last release in there
c) Change the release script to put the installer renamed to c4group.exe (or c4group64.exe) in there, effectively forcing the players to run a new install

For the future, we could:
a) Fix the installation routine to extract stuff to a temp folder and also extract any DLL files.
b) Change the updates to always just download the new installer and run it. I.e. no updates and people always need to load the 60MB file, but it's more failsafe.

This is all for Windows. I don't know about Linux updates.

What do you think?

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