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Up Topic [Particles] Fire

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In Response to Armin
Here is a webm of version 11.

- New is that the fire height 20-99 depends on the fire strenght. If you delete line 330 in Fire.c appendto the fire will rise from the bottom to the top like in the video. I changed that in the current upload so that the fire starts in the middle and goes up and down at the same time. That's because even in Clonk Rage very height burning objects can look weird because of the rotation. Imagine the same tree as in the video with SetR(90) or lying on the floor -> the fire would be in the earth. So that's why the scenario doesn't exacly look like in the video. Maybe it is better to replace that with a rising alpha channel, idk.
- There is some white smoke when an object extinguishes in water ( this wouldn't affect a extinguish spell e.g. ). It is not as height as in the video anymore.
- The 2 (?) big particles are attached to the object so you can move and it doesnt lagg behind as Newton mentioned.
- I noticed a small particle creation gap when the tree is replaced with the black coniferous graphic.
And all particles are in Fx*Start. Makes it more readable.

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