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In Response to Newton
Wow, very cool.

Did you try this?

> * not sure about this one, just an idea though: I see the size of the fire is dynamically adapted to the size*con of the object. But then it stays constantly the same size. How about you played around with variating the (height/size) of the flame to simulate this "auflodern" more. Or, as an alternative, variate the lifetime of the fire particles.

This could solve the problem below - for very large fires you would add more fires on the objects, for weak fires you'd only have a smaller fire somewhere on the object (that does not cover the whole object)

The smoke also looks great. One small suggestion regarding the smoke: Make it grow bigger as it looses visibility so that it looks as if the smoke is dispersing (and because of that vanishing). I think it must fade out faster.

Regarding the weak fires Pyrit has a point here. I suggest having less of those flying sparks for weak fires and instead add a different effect for a very weak fire:
1. Have a little (low alpha) fire from the start
2. have "Glut" particles that glow red-yellowish clustered in groups around the object. They'd not move and glow out quickly going from yellow over red to black, while flickering up a bit randomly during that. Not sure though how that'd look, just an idea.

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