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Up Topic [Particles] Fire

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In Response to Armin

>> * not sure about this one, just an idea though: I see the size of the fire is dynamically adapted to the size*con of the object. But then it stays constantly the same size. How about you played around with variating the (height/size) of the flame to simulate this "auflodern" more. Or, as an alternative, variate the lifetime of the fire particles.

The given height in the script leads to the particle speeds. The lifetime of them is always the same. So what I tried was that 100% fire rolls its random height between 80% and 100%. The result looked weird. Most likely because it was too abrupt. So you would have to make a new variable x in the effect for this. It could count up and down between 80 and 100%. Sounds too long-winded for me. Also, the fire damage is still disabled in the scenario. Normally, you would see a 100% fire for a short time or you wouln't see it at all because some things may die before that point iirc. When I think about it... If actual 50-100% fire is too rare in Clonk it might be better to have the 50% height as 100% but with even weaker alpha. Or a fire with minimum size plus such glut particles yeah...

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