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In Response to Pyrit
Hi, I came across the following "issue"...

When an object is a lightsourrce and it's midpoint is in material, it goes completely dark.

I wanted to make a map, where you have to find objects in the earth. I wanted to make it easier to find them, so I made them a light source, but since they are stuck in earth, they don't emit any light.
It can also happen that when you climb with a clonk, and the clonk's midpoint gets covered in earth, the screen goes dark. (I had that only once though)

Of course I could just make the objects spawn in little caves or something.
Or maybe the objects could emit ambient light? So the clonk wouldn't glow super bright when carrying that object, in case you really just want to make the object visible in FoW, but not a real light source.

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