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Up Topic Lights branch - complete!

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In Response to Pyrit
Yes, there is some weird behaviour when you have multiple lights.

First compare the face of the right clonk (in 1light.jpg and 2lights.jpg): Alone his face is good visibly, but when there is a light behind him (the clonk on the left) his face gets dark. That doesn't look natural.

Secondly there is a really bright highlight on the wall between the clonks. But at the clonks themselfes the light on the wall looks darker then the spot between them. Shouldn't the wall directly where the clonks stand be at least as bright as the highlight between them?


Also imo it's weird that the clonks can emit such a strong light although they don't have a visible lightsource. Maybe the light of clonks alone shouldn't get stronger as ambient light. Multiple torches and other artificial lights should be able to add up and get really bright though.

Another thing I noticed: When you are in ambient light all lightsources don't seem to get brighter than ambient light itself. Look at the earth between the clonks in ambient.jpg and ambient1.jpg.

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