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In Response to J. J.
I pay tested the new Open Clonk version 6.0 and here are my thoughts.

Lighting is a really nice feature... has a few minor visual glitches, but nothing major.

Better looking land feature is also really cool.

K-Pone's music is very nice and it takes way longer to get annoyed with then the old CR music by far.

I notice that some of the building models could use new graphics, some are kinda ugly, no offense.

Repairing buildings needs to be added and maybe the option of taking buildings down.

There is still a lack of player content (we want more). ;)

Controls and menu's need redone (that is planed in version 7.0 right?).

Over all, I have seen some real improvements that give the game a better atmosphere.

Keep up the good work. I like what I am seeing, so far. :D

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