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Up Topic Reparing buildings

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In Response to Zapper
For one, they only (partly) worked when you disabled the basic rules of CR settlement: construction material and energy.
When you enabled it, it became illusory to have a working melee: (re-)constructing a base would be too much of a hassle.
But without construction material you had new issues: extinguishing (water barrel / spells) and reconstructing a burning tower (knight pack) became way too strong - you basically made it impossible for the enemy to break through a wall.

So you could either disable building material and play without the knight pack (or towers in general, the landscape needed to allow bypassing towers in that case) or with building material (to prevent reconstruction) and without actual building.

IMO base melees in CR were never really balanced and never felt like the game was meant to be played that way. I think we have the chance right now to change it for OpenClonk and actually make settlement melees or base melees work and feel right WITHOUT inventing an extra set of rules just for them.

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