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In Response to Atomclonk
Everything seems to me a bit stupid... At first (I didn't read the whole text and answers) do we want to change the DefCore entrys for all objects of the same ID or just for a single one?
Why things like a proplist-thingie, when we could do ist like this:

SetDefCoreValue(idID, szValueName, iNewValue, iNumber);
idID: ID of the objects to change. (or a single object like pObject)
szValueName: Name of the DefCore entry.
iNewValue: New value.
iNumber: Which value of the entry has to be changed (beginning with 0).
I have to think about, how to handle strings and IDs... (any propositions?)

SetActMapData(idID/pObject, szDataName, iNewValue);
... oh, forget it, I (and maybe many other people) were never interested in appending things to the ActMap, because when you change it, mostly because of changing graphics, and then you need to copy the whole object.

And please excuse me, if I've missunderstood something. :S

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