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In Response to Clonk-Karl

> As far as I can see, the file works fine with Blender 2.7x, though some attached objects look a bit weird. (But some, like the sword are matched perfectly, so I think that's not a problem with the file)

This sounds like some, but not all, bones of the Clonk are exported differently than they used to.

> And I don't know how the animations of the attached objects are exported. As far as I see this, they aren't associated with the animation itself, I have to select them first before I can play the animation.

Can you describe more precisely what you mean with this? Maybe there is a misunderstanding here how attaching meshes works. The only thing that happens is that a bone of the attached mesh is aligned with a bone of the parent mesh. So for example the bow is aligned with the hand of the Clonk. The animation of the Clonk shooting with the bow is only defined in the Clonk.

> And do I have to bake the animation? Or does OC have an IK-solver?

No, the OC engine just applies pre-computed transformations to bones.

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