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In Response to PeterW

> I'll create screenshots in the same positions with the different implementations, so that we can compare them.

Unless you're overwriting the colour completely every frame, we would need to see it moving, right? Otherwise it will settle on the same value anyway...

> Considering ambient value, what are we going to do with that?

Not quite sure what you mean, to be honest. The sun colour could be set globally. The light following Clonks should probably stay white, don't see a reason to change that.

> I would like some lights to affect the light color part texture, but not the light intensity/fog of war part of the texture.

Not sure. Personally, I think we should avoid introducing inconsistencies - if it's glowing, it's visible. If that doesn't make sense gameplay-wise, use script to only have the crystal start glowing if it is close enough or has a line-of-sight. With appropriate fade-in, that should make sense visually.

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