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In Response to Sven2
That'll always be a somewhat awkward compromise. E.g. maybe you want to design a scenario with a special blue-ish shining cave but you cannot because then earth and ore becomes indistinguishable.

I wonder if we could redesign our materials somehow such that the textures are sufficient to distinguish them under any lighting condition. The main materials affected are earth, ashes, ore, rock, granite and coal. The rest has vastly different colors and shouldn't be too problematic.

For newbies, we could also consider things like optional tool-tips near the mouse cursor when you have selected a digging tool. Like "dig earth" or "pick granite" (with a forbidden cursor in that case) if you move your mouse with that tool selected. Experts could turn off these tool-tips or they could only be shown during the tutorials or for the first 10 rounds.

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