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In Response to Clonk-Karl
I only had a brief look, but to me it looks like you stuffed some things into C4FoWAmbient that don't actually have anything to do with it. The C4FoWAmbient class takes care of making things that are overground light, and things that are underground dark. I think you call this the "light from the sun" (which is maybe not very accurate since we also already played with making lava emit this kind of light).

So, at the moment, there are two different things that we call "ambient light". That's a bit unfortunate, and I think we should come up with a clear terminology, and also strictly separate the two functionalities in the engine (i.e. C4FoWAmbient should only handle the sun-kind-of-ambient light, whereas your new "ambient color" should be stored somewhere else, maybe it makes sense to put it in C4FoW directly). What do you think?

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