Topic New materials!
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In Response to Newton
If a crack is very deep, then even the side that faces the light direction will be dark because it's shadowed. I'm not sure if a normal map can actually capture this.
True, it can't. However, this is was I was trying to say with bringing up the sulphur texture as an example: If you have a material which contains black areas, this material can become difficult to recognize when it occurs in small spots (e.g. whats left after digging into it) since those spots may be (mostly) just black.
> If a crack is very deep, then even the side that faces the light direction will be dark because it's shadowed. I'm not sure if a normal map can actually capture this.
True, it can't. However, this is was I was trying to say with bringing up the sulphur texture as an example: If you have a material which contains black areas, this material can become difficult to recognize when it occurs in small spots (e.g. whats left after digging into it) since those spots may be (mostly) just black.
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