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In Response to Fireknight
I'm Roman, 18, living in Switzerland too. I started with Clonk World (Clonk4 on CD) and developping since CE.
I'm most familiar with the dotNET-Framework and Python. I also know PHP. I "could" Code C/C++ (but too lazy to search for libraries since the dotNET-Framework has nearly everything). I'm currently in an apprenticeship as an IT-Specialist (or Computer Scientist). And of course, BASIC, because my calculator could be programmed with BASIC. Bit of Assembler (I need that for my Singletasking OS I'm working on).  Besides my apprenticeship I'm attending school so I can go studying computer science after my apprenticeship.

I'm a good scripter (not that good as the oldbies ;)) but I just can't create graphics.

Edit: And of course HTML,CSS & Co.

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