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In Response to Sven2
I've just committed sound modifier functionality. For a quick tryout, you can e.g. start a scenario, enable debug mode (Ctrl+F5) and apply a modifier to all sounds:

/script SetGlobalSoundModifier(Ambience.CaveModifier)

Full documentation on how to use the modifiers is in the repository, in docs/sdk/script/SoundModifiers.xml

There is also echo (to be used for big caves) and equalizer (to be used for underwater sound modulation). Unfortunately, the autobuilds don't support the equalizer effect due to an old version of OpenAL, which will hopefully be updated when the next Debian stable is out, i.e. in about 18 months (Isilkor). Until then, you can:
* Linux: Compile yourself with OpenAL_soft 1.16 or greater
* Windows: Just download the snapshot and download a current OpenAL soft binary from here: - unpack the zip and rename oal_soft.dll (32 bit or 64 bit depending on which snapshot you downloaded) to OpenAL32.dll and put it into your Snapshot folder. The DLLs are compatible so just replacing that DLL should make the equalizer work.

If all effects are loaded, the OpenClonk.log file will contain a line like:
OpenAL extensions loaded. ON: 1, 4, 12. OFF: .
For old OpenAL32.dll, the line will look like:
OpenAL extensions loaded. ON: 1, 4. OFF: 12 (invalid parameter).
in that case, equalizer is unavailable.

Please let me if it works :-)

Btw, the mac autobuilds fail now:
/var/cache/ocbuild/source/src/platform/C4SoundIncludes.h:35:12: fatal error: 'OpenAL/alext.h' file not found

It's probably just missing a file in the dependencies (that I hope exists for mac?). Could someone add that?

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