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Up Topic Simplify fragment shaders?

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In Response to Clonk-Karl

> I guess the part that confuses me is - why do we need a special path for that? To do the color multiplication?

Because in some cases we don't have a texture, so what do you want to multiply it with? Do you mean we could instead bind a 1x1 texture with a single (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) pixel?

> Yeah, saw that you changed it. I would have preferred to keep the naming closer to the C4SSC names, but well.

I mostly changed it to add the OC_ prefix, but didn't think too much about the rest of the name. So since you are cleaning these things up anyway, feel free to change the definitions to match the C4SSC names.

> Beyond the OC_WITH_BASE / OC_WITH_OVERLAY that I added in lights3?

No, that should be enough. I wrote my reply before I saw your commits :)

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