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In Response to Clonkonaut
I just committed a redesign for the ingame HUD I've been working on.

Here I want to give you all a quick overview over what has been changed and why. I also want to receive your feedback on this!


I switched the position from bottom to top. It felt more visible like this. Before, I had to double check whether or not a certain inventory slot was selected. This leaves the bottom of the screen completely free. Also, on the top, inventory slots more often have a bright background (sky).

Action bar

As you can see on the screenshot, I added an icon next to the crew portraits showing the first available interaction (~what happens if I hit space). For testing purposes, I added the key name that was assigned to CON_Interact. We might want to add an option or similar that disables those helps for experienced players. I also thought about changing the inventory slot numbers to the key names associated. But that might look stupid if the key name was too long.
Please give me feedback about the position of this icon. I work with 1080p + 16pt font size and it looks good to me.

The icon will show a green plus symbol (as you can see on the screenshot) if there is more than one interaction availavle. To get to these, you have to hold down the interaction key like it was before.

Crew portraits

I limited these to 2 clonks. None of our current scenarios features more than 2 clonks and Zapper is even implementing relaunches into many scenarios, so that they might be played with just one clonk at a time. Back when we first thought about the HUD, we had CR in mind where it was an advantage to have several clonks. In OC, this isn't the case anymore.
The HUD shows the currently select clonk and the next one in line.

I added 'crew warnings' (as seen on the screenshot, the third clonks loses breath) to help you see what's going on. But I don't think we need to clutter the top of the screen with several portraits and so on. You can the click the green plus symbol next to your second clonk to get a small clonk selection menu:

This is inconsistent with the action icon, I know. I thought about making this a more prominent button. I also thought about showing the menu when the next clonk control ('R' by default) is held down.

Known bugs

- The (verbose) interaction bar does not react to hotkey presses. Right now, you have to select the specific interaction button via mouse click
- Clicking the crew plus sign also forwards a mouse clonk to the currently selected clonk
- I haven't checked all scenarios yet, in case any dialogues / new HUD elements look stupid now or whatever
- The health bar disappears on synchronisation. Haven't figured out why!

- The inventory bar is pretty much limited to 5 slots now. That is okay for us but maybe not for third party delevelopers. I thought about arranging the inventory in two rows if there are more than 5 slots. Haven't done it yet since the action icon's position isn't fixed. 10 inventory slots should be maximum nonetheless.

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