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Up Topic Overview: HUD changes

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In Response to Zapper
Some general comments:

* Have you tried putting the crew warnings to the very left on the screen (below the main portrait)? I know that they are aligned with the second portrait now, but it feels like they are floating around somewhere without reference point.
* Now (and before?) we have white text against a potentially very bright background. Maybe it would make sense to darken the background of the portraits/interaction info and pull the text into the rectangle.
* That leads me to the next point: we have rectangles with a bright background and circles with a dark background. It looks like the UI was not designed as a whole but in parts. We should probably make at least the background icons (border-thickness, background color) of all the UI items the same.
* The HP bar could imo be brighter.
* I like showing the interaction key above the lorry.

>- The (verbose) interaction bar does not react to hotkey presses. Right now, you have to select the specific interaction button via mouse click

Did the bug also exist before? I thought I had fixed space+hotkey back then.

>- Clicking the crew plus sign also forwards a mouse clonk to the currently selected clonk

That might be require an engine change (currently (and before) the Clonk is just disabled when a large menu is shown). What would be the expected behavior? Catching all clicks or catching only clicks that lead to actions?

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