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Up Topic Overview: HUD changes

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In Response to ala
I actually miss these 3 a lot:

>3. we do not have, as clonk rage did, a RTS-like mouse control where you could send your clonks off to do this and that simultaniously
>4. likewise, we do not have these automations anymore that you can activate "collect wood" in the sawmill and the clonk would chop the nearby forest down and put it into the sawmill
>5. we do not have "safe places" (=houses with doors) for the player to store his clonks anymore, which was a deliberate design decision

In Clonk Rage I used around 4 active Clonks most of the time: One in the base, one at the tower opening the gates and defending, one attacker - and if there was time I had one more auto collecting gold from the mine and moving it up.

I don't like how in Openclonk I have to "watch" my clonk chopping wood, or transporting material along a smooth shaft. If I switch to another Clonk, he stops working.
It's true that the features of having several clonks are barely used right now, but that doesn't mean we have to abandon this completely. It would waste a lot of potential and creativity in my opinion. Also think of extensions created by players - they may want this feature to be kept.

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