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In Response to Clonkonaut
Unfortunately, the clonk model hasn't been touched for a long time. I don't know if anyone except for Ringwaul and maybe Randrian have ever used it. Ringwaul set this up in a way no one else understands.
I would be nice if anyone with Blender experience could get a hang of that file and maybe clear things up.

> The clonk mesh and the test object mesh got exported correctly with Randrian's exporter. What is the difference from this exporter to the standard ogre exporter?

Randrian's exporter is supposed to do some OC specific stuff. Applying rotation / scale (that's not exactly OC specific) and naming the files the right way.

> I need to set "swap axis" to "xz-y" in the export dialogue. This is not in the tutorial.

We recently changed the way the camera looks at objects because Ogre mesh viewers where always using a different way. The model definitely wasn't updated, so maybe that's not a general thing to do.

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