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In Response to Marky

>When dialogues were "finished" (i.e. you gave NPCs what they wanted) they would restart. E.g. after you gave away the bread and got your reward, the NPC would ask for bread again.
>The beggar dialogue was missing something; I didn't actually notice I got the sMett (and it would ask for the gold coin again after).


>Some object strings weren't translated to German. I just remember the magic wand text that there was nothing to "verzaubern".

Is this related to maybe?

>The final thing didn't enter the wormhole for me. I ended up stuck in the top right corner of the landscape. I could steer it somehow and I steered it to the side I think.

Interesting. Did you or someone else also try making a savegame? The "SaveScenarioObject" callback in some objects confused me, but apparently it is only necessary if you want to prevent something from being saved to Objects.c while saving the scenario from editor mode.

>When you already talked to someone and just quickly want to skip through the text. you accidentally restart dialogues pretty easily. To prevent this, the Dialogue object in the Objects.ocd has a minimum delay between stopping and restarting a dialogue (during the delay, talk requests are ignored).

Noted :) Maybe I can add an option for skipping to the next unkown message (or one message before that).

>Would you like to contribute the alternate skins to the main repository (CC-BY-3.0 or compatible) so we can use them for other NPCs?

Yes. I would also contribute my templates to the resources repository, so that we can make new skins easily. Do you need anything else?

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