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In Response to Armin

>To make this worse, scaling up things sometimes doesn't work. When you climb up a loam bridge, for example, theres a good chance that you slip right down again into a "jumping, but not jumping" state, stuck on a top corner. Button mashing time! With just a bit of luck you don't even fall over on the other side now.

One obvious bug is in the upper loam picture which shows a perfect shark edge. In that case the scaling does never work when you climb up with [Up], if you press [Right], it will work. But this scaling-walking-switching mechanic had problems before that, too. I remember being able to fix the Clonk in an animation frame where he kissed the ground. Maybe the new corner scale bug was introduced when fixing an old one. Relevant: 1, 2 Edit: New bug entry.

The other loam bridge looks a bit weird. I think its atm impossible to make a perfect 45° loam bridge.

>Small' cracks cause this as well. It is not even as big as your foot WALK OVER IT ALREADY! Argh!

I haven't compared LandscapeDiff.bmps between CR and OC but I think it was always a must to scale in such cases. OC creates different grounds than CR. This or this in zoom factor 7 is annoying and the Rock landscape shape is imo not smooth enough for Clonks. Another point is the Decel (or Acel?) because they make it more annoying to get full speed while the CR Clonk got full speed directly. Maikel made this alot better though.

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