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In Response to Zapper
Yes, all of those are issues. And mostly have been since 2009 (or even 1998?) or so...

Suggestions? I guess once thing we could try is to give the Clonk two bottom vertices, which is what a lot of other games do. Then small cracks wouldn't matter anymore AND you could jump off a ledge easier because you would fall down later. That also means that you could "fly" a bit, because your feet could be over the edge while you are still standing on it.
It would also need serious fiddling with the vertices and possibly engine to resolve issues with e.g. climbing.

PS: Another thing is that climbing could only start when you don't have contact with the ground anymore. That would let you walk on angled loam bridges/material without scaling. It would also mean that you could not scale up a wall by walking towards it.

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