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In Response to Newton
Okay, after looking at the game with vertices (Ctrl+F6 and Ctrl+F8²), a few suggestions for technical solutions:
* differentiate between when the clonk climbs and touches the wall with his leftmost/rightmost vertex and touching the wall only with the lowerleft/lowerright one. In the latter case, use a different animation, namely something alone the line of standing up from a kneeled position. That would take care of the gangnam problem - which I think is mostly an animation problem, i.e. that the player is confused what state the clonk is in right now
* move both the mentioned lowerleft/lowerright vertex and the leftmost/rightmost vertex up by 1-2 pixels; increase teh amount of pixels the WALK procedure would beam up the clonk by 1-2px. Reasons: Even with the previous suggestion, the animation will look odd sometimes because the clonk is seemingly grabbing the air; The clonk would then not climb on very small bumps

² gosh, why does it make the game that slow?

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