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In Response to Clonkonaut
Here's a little bit of insight into the (scaling) problems:

This is the situation when scaling a loam wall:

In this situation, pressing 'Up' won't help. To fully scale the wall, it is necessary to have just a little bit of forward movement so the bottom vertex makes contact with the wall. But up just accelerates upwards. When the hip vertex loses contact with the wall, the clonk's position is adjusted so the next vertex (leg) touches the wall. I guess this is some engine magic happening. For the last vertex this simply fails.

The bad thing is, this behaviour does not seem to be consistent. Tale this situation:

I got into it by stopping at the right moment (just when the leg vertex cleared the edge). If pressing right continuously, nothing is wrong. But stopping at this point gets you into a bad position. The clonk is still walking but pressing forward does not move it that way. In this case, pressing up is the key.

Maybe we should apply a force diagonally upwards if either left/right or up is pressed during scale.

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