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In Response to Marky
* The warnings in the unit test probably cannot be avoided, maybe by overloading the barrel for the test or not translating the string if the barrel does not support the liquid: I fill lava into it, it is looking for the string "MaterialLava" in its StringTblXX.txt, but obviously it cannot find that, because the barrel cannot carry lava. How else can I test a liquid that the barrel is not supposed to hold?
* The commented lines have been removed in a later commit
* I did not know about the infinite loop. Why do you want to design it that way? I thought the test has one purpose: proove that you can get a working power network with a pump that generates energy by pumping downward, one that consumes energy by pumping upward, and a third source that provides the power difference. I tried to make the test such that it is not an infinite loop, but still tests that aspect.
* The SetProperty-stuff is some kind of relic from the barrel. The whole value calculation there is seriously broken in my opinion, but it does not matter because the barrel cannot be sold anyway.
* Difference between tank and container: The container can be anything that can hold liquids, such as a barrel, bottle. The tank is a structure that can hold liquids (as such it inherits from the liquid container), but it also allows to connect pipes to it, by using the pipe or in the interaction menu.
* As for the interface: Do you mean some kind of GUI component?
* Other unit tests: No idea yet. Maybe have the pump transfer liquids with different pipe connections, but that is already handled in the liquid container unit test (probably not all of the combinations though).

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