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Up Topic Poll about the new building texture approach

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In Response to pluto
I totally agree, that it makes sense to use the available ressources of graphic developement in some sort of "effective" way. but your argument of utility building being less important and so are allowed to look like "nothing" is quite nuts. The majority of trees are also just standing arround and you can forget about them. It doesn't mean they should look like nothing.

An "importance" ranking of buildings based on how much you interact with them to define on how much efford should be spend on creating graphics, does not make much sense to me. A sawmill also just is standing arround most of the time, even though you interact quite a lot with that thing. You usually have only one of these in your settlement, while compensators (or wind generators and other utility buildings) you would have more than one. In number of appearance they should be considered more important, if you want to have a pleasantly looking village.

That applies also for the wind generator and almost every decoration object.

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