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Up Topic Poll about the new building texture approach

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In Response to Sven2

> An "importance" ranking of buildings based on how much you interact with them to define on how much efford should be spend on creating graphics, does not make much sense to me.

Sorry, I do not mean to stop anyone from making beautiful graphics. I'm just referring to saliency. I.e. i mean "looks like nothing" not as a quality measurement, but it just means that graphics are toned down to not be the first thing that pops out to you in a village. That's especially true if there are many of them.

It's also a matter of priority. If we rework the compensator graphics now to be more detailed and more defined (even if its colors are toned down and it is not bright orange), it will automatically be more salient than the tools workshop - one of the most important buildings in a settlement - which is still mostly uniformly earth-colored. So I argue to focus on the important buildings first.

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