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In Response to Marky
The easiest way so far was including the stackable library, but it seems not to be that good of a solution in the long run. Your proposal appears to be better. A makeshift version can be found here:

This will not work as construction material, though. My suggestions from there on:
- make liquid object save the contained volume
- make liquid object enter liquid containers only
- make steam engine a liquid container for the "fuel" liquid/material that already exists, instead of an oil container, and have it convert oil to fuel at a 1:1 ratio
- modify behavior of steam engine so that liquids are pumped into it as long as the fuel count is below a certain value, so the pump works as long as the steam engine is burning fuel
? modify barrels so that they have an extra inventory slot (where the liquid object will be displayed)
? make liquid objects C4D_Object instead of C4D_StaticBack and have an actual graphics, not just a picture
? make liquid objects convert to respective material if they are not contained in a liquid container, or particles in case of non-material liquids (fuel)

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