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Up Topic Why did the new controls removed the two "usable" hands?!

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In Response to pluto

>>It also feels like one step forward, two steps back. Because regardless of what we change, someone will argue that the old way was better because of reasons. Apparently, satisfying everyone is impossible.

I am not at all trying to say the old system was better. That you are making up yourself, because it is definetly not the case. But just because the current system is better that before does not neccessarily mean it now reached its absolute unchangeble final status. And apparently you dev-guys agree on that in terms that Maikels propsal is maybe going to be implemented. And I just proposed a similar (but slightly different idea, which appears to me being quite a nice compromise of getting all the cool stuff with almost no losses apart frol changing right-click throw to Q-key throw (which I even see as an improvement rather than a disadvantage[But I agree that this might be also very subjective; But as I am telling you from the beginning, I am not the only one who gets confused with trowing and using])

>>Throwing with modifier (shift) was something we had and is was not great for throw controls. I agree with Zapper that many of your advantages can be achieved with Maikel's suggestion.

I want throwing not with a modifier, but with a button only (without any clicking involved).

Simple solution would for solving that never everybody seems to be happy, to offer more control options, of which the player can choose from? That was also the case with combo and quickmenu spell system in CR. Why not doing it likewise with eigher the Q(uickswicht) or the passive dual wield?! according to Zapper, it is quite similar (in terms of functionality).

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