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In Response to Marky
I ran into a new issue a few days ago, this exists on the master branch, too, and will be fixed on liquid_container. The gist of it:
- the object interaction menu transfers items differently when you clicking a single item in the inventory and when clicking the "transfer all" arrow/button between the both sides
- this results in a particularly annoying border case: say you have 50 single arrows in a lorry (which is unlikely, how should they get there?) if you transfer all at once, this leaves you with 50 single arrows in the surrounding. If you transfer the arrows by clicking each arrow separately, then the arrows would form stacks.
- the lorry seems to collect certain items that are transferred from it again. This was the case if I have a large number of arrow packs inside the lorry.

This is all tested by yet another unit test. I extracted the transfer to two functions, so that I can test them and see the difference. My aim is to use one function for transferring items in the end and have the unit tests still pass. It is not my intention to test other aspects of the interaction menu, this can be done by someone else later if the need arises.

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