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Up Topic Functions in proplist constants, Effects

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In Response to Anonymous
Couldn't one even use Properties to categorize Effects now? The per-name categories like eg *PSpell, *Fire* depend on their position in the effect name, thus are not arbitrarily combinable. As Effects are proplist defined before Effect creation, one could do sth like this:

var eff = new Global {
Construction = ...,
Timer = ...,
IsFire = true,
IsSpell = true,

and implement a function like GetEffectByProperty (or extend GetEffect). With this one you could do GetEffectByProperty("IsFire", ...) instead of GetEffect("*Fire*", ...).
But the effects proplist would need to be passed to th Effect-Callback of effects of higher priority, to be really useful. It seems a bit strange to get a effect passed you may not interact with. But values that are not yet initialized may simply be nil, or it may be "undefined" to access them. The values defined in the proplist to create the effect from would be accessible.

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