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In Response to ClonkGeist

Windmill Open Beta

As some of you who surfed on clonkforge or on the (german) clonkspot boards may have already heard of our project of creating an integrated development environment for OpenClonk development, because many Clonk (Rage) content developer (including ourselves) have suffered of the lack of an easy-to-use IDE or something like this which is specifically intended for Clonk content development as for example the Clonk Rage Editor.

Windmill is an application which is based on XUL and Mozilla's XULRunner (Gecko engine), so it is based on web languages. (Mainly because this are the languages we usually use the most) It should be a replacement for what the Clonk Rage Editor was and even more. It was planned as a whole new interface to the game, because it connects development and the community in one application. (Concerning latter: Besides the currently implementation of the masterserver view (including an integrated notification system like the one on clonkspot!) and the option of hosting the game, it was also always a wish to connect all those loose community pages (openclonk forum, clonkspot forum, clonkforge, ccan, Lorry or something similar) into one spot, so new players can easily find a way into the community.)

In its current state, Windmill's developer mode already features:

- an integrated scripteditor module (including C4Script syntax highlighting)
- an integrated meshviewer
- a module which is intended to make working with sprites easier
- a module which should make work with Scenario.txt-files easier
- an editor for BMP files completely designed for landscape files (you get a palette including all color indices and their material-texture combination)

For more information, you can see our clonkforge project page and our clonkspot miniblog. (german)

After about one and a half year of development, Windmill finally got into a beta-ish state in which we wanted to make the development process public. From now on, Windmill is accessible on Github.

Github link:
Installation Instructions:

Feel free to test it and report any feedback in the forums and bugs in the issue tracker.

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