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In Response to Apfelclonk

>Make it understandable for 6 year olds!

Good point. We're trying to make it suitable for every sort of user. That's why we implemeted a special user-interface for scenario settings, which could also be replaced by a simple texteditor. Probably one needs to rethink at some point the startup-dialog to not confuse the user. Nevertheless in my opinion its a pretty neat thing that you are forced to seperate your workspace, because that's something that one might regret after some time, especially with the snapshot thing (so you have one folder for snapshots which you can mess up as you wish, but your personal product keep clean and without danger).

Pointing out the xmlConverter, its a bit of a sad story. We can't simply deliver it with Windmill because of licensing even though its a core requirement for meshviewer tasks. And I don't know how much one can create an own *.mesh reader that doesn't need to be updated permanently because of ogre-file-format changes.

>Although the buttons look "clean" I have no idea wtf the buttons do, unless I blindly click them. Some tooltips would be helpful, or labels instead of just icons.

Yip. Icons are a horrendous task. There is so much that has to be accurate in aspects like sympolism, context, style and colors (ouch.) to achieve certain results, that its pretty hard to keep in good without years of experience. We hoped that adding tooltips to most functions gives the needed help. Still some work to do. On the other hand, understanding Icons is a learning process. For sure you won't get used to the tool as any other application that is limited to wide-spread basic icons but if you understand once their meaning your brain might acces their information faster.
As I am the creator of most icons, have you examples of icons that aren't even close to their meaning even now that you now what they are for? So I can improve them.

Taking it all in all, there is much to do. But this sort of feedback is gold worth, so thank you very much. But I still have to point out that making it easy for bloody-noobs can set limits to the creation of clonk content very fast, and that's something we want to avoid. So we need to hit the mark in between of beginner-friendliness and pushing it out to OCs limits of content creation.

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