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In Response to Marky

>Is there a problem when pumping durolava cause it does not have its own material? I.e. does this system change durolava to lava?

Yes. The pump does not change the durolava, it will pump it to the drain and either exit material or tries filling it into a container. The container searches for a definition "DuroLava", cannot find it, and inserts nothing, clogging the pump. The effect is that DuroLava is not filled into containers.

>Why is public func Disperse(int angle, int strength) not defined in Library_Liquid, but instead repeated for each liquid type.

The basic liquid object is just an abstract concept. This liquid object implements a function "Disperse" that removes the object, because this is the only thing that all liquids should have in common. The rest is up to the liquid itself: Currently we have liquids that become material pixels when they disperse. However, you can have other liquids, that dissolve into a particle effect, or maybe into objects. Think of an inflammable liquid that casts flame objects, or a "instable magical liquid" that turns into smoke.
Currently we have only liquid objects that turn into material pixels though.

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