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In Response to Marky
I wanted to export Clonks meshes again, and did a new setup exactly as explained in the tutorial, with Blender 2.71 and the modified exporter plugin by Randrian. The problem is actually exporting the Clonk now (exporting other meshes works fine for me).

When I select everything by pressing "A" in the 3D-preview, then the export fails with some errors in the exporter plugin, probably because a parent object is missing. I got it to work once by also selecting everything with "A" in the outliner view. Unfortunately my export settings were wrong, and I wanted to reproduce it, but could not. Do you have any advice for me?

Apparently it helps to select only the clonk in the outliner.

This did not help very much, though, because the same problem as last time persists: The clonks have very wrong vertex assignment or a wrong skeleton after exporting.

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