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Up Topic Dmyst is done with OC

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In Response to Dmyst
It's nice to read that an editor is at least in the works, better late then never.

About me changing my mind and not contributing, as I stated I'm chronically ill, I can't work like others and if stuff gets too complicated like it is the case with OC I just don't do it because it's too much stress for me.
My plan was to make a couple of models to help out but I just don't have the capacity to become a full OC dev which seems to be needed in order to create graphics/models for OC.

I can offer to give OC a try from time to time and give you my honest opinion. (if you want to hear it)
I'm pretty much only doing this because I still remember some of you guys from the Clonk4 and Planet time. So I kinda see you a little bit as childhood friends. If it wasn't for this I'd just completely ignore OC.
I don't really like playing OC the way it currently is, I still prefer Classic Clonk for nostalgic reasons or other games.

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