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Up Topic Dmyst is done with OC

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In Response to Dmyst
What I wrote is not insulting at all. An insult would be: "You fucking moron." I do not insult people, your perception is wrong.
What I did was express my opinion, if my opinion is insulting to you, you should seriously think about why you find it insulting.
All I did was tell you what I think is wrong with OC. Yes I write a bit harshly but you have to realize that I mean well and that sometimes the truth hurts.

If you prefer to not get feedback from me, that's no problem I'll just leave and let you guys do your thing. I'll spend my time on other things then.  I'm not here to flatter you guys, even if you feel like you need it after all that work you put into OC.
As I stated earlier players don't care how much time and lifeblood you put into a game or they only care if it's fun to them.

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