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Up Topic Screenshot Thread the Fourth

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In Response to ala
Yes, that can probably be done. But it would be quite some effort, and honestly I'm not too motivated to go into that direction and would suggest sticking to the 'low effort solution' proposed above (actually it wasn't and needed an engine request when Sven improved sound possibilities).
I also once felt like Open Clonk would be the perfect game to build a very rich audio environment with tons of sounds. Also this could set it apart from other titles since this has been neglected by a lot of other games.
The thing is - I already spent like a hell of a lot of time on that - and most of the sounds that are finished are not even used. So why make even more? The todolist would just get longer, we would not necessarily get more sounds anytime soon. I cannot even blame the developers, since obviously there are more important matters than sound. Wish we just had more programmers :/

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