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Up Topic Question: Goal updates

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In Response to Sven2
You don't need an additional mode for that. You can just offer caching as a helper function:
// Script of expensive-to-check goal
public func IsFulfilled(int for_player)
  var max_cache_age = 10; // max age in frames
  return CheckFulfilledCache(this.CheckFulfilled, for_player, max_cache_age); // for_player can be passed as nil here if the cache is not to be kept per player

private func CheckFulfilled(int for_player)
  // Expensive check function

The advantage would be that non-cached IsFulfilled calls don't have to go through the library. Plus the interface doesn't have to be changed.

But as with any optimization: Don't do it if goal checks aren't actually a bottleneck. Check the script profiler first.

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