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In Response to Marky
Concerning your latest change: Adding the liquid name as a parameter to GetLiquidContainerMaxFillLevel() is not what I intended. If a container has a limit of 300, for example, its capacity for the sum of all liquids is 300. So you could have 300 water in it, or 150 water and 150 oil. Was this what caused the confusion, what you deemed as buggy behaviour? Now you can have, for example, 300 of each type of liquid in a container (which is kind of strange, isn't it?)

Your changes could cause problems with filling barrels - could you please run the Tests.ocf\LiquidContainer.ocs to see if it still works?

Further comments:
* Library_Liquid: You used GetID() a couple of times, you should replace this with GetLiquidType()
* Could you please commit formatted code and actual changes separetely? This makes reviews a lot more easier.

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