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Up Topic Knüppeln! 0.8

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In Response to Sayned
I will look through the guidelines and do my best to change the code accordingly! I totally forgot to remove the AI part from the code, which is a bit unfortunate.

Both shots were made straight intentionally because the champ is supposed to be like the guy from shooters - very accurate and precise.
He shoots bullets, rather than any other projectiles - which is the main reason why shots are straight and have high velocity.

E ability instantly refreshes player's mana and removes Q inaccuracy. Really basic skill, but I think the Q inaccuracy removal is what makes it special. If you want I could change it to something a bit more complicated/interesting.

If the champ proves to be too strong, there are a lot of things that can be done to nerf him properly. Through simply manipulating base dmg and headshot modifier of his spells he can become a lot more fair and interesting to play.

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