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In Response to Luchs

>It would be good to have a function to export the create MapFg.bmp and MapBg.bmp's as well as a command line option like: ./mape foo.c --export bar (creating barFg.bmp and barBg.bmp). I can use this for my tower of despair script.

I built a tool like this. (Well, I wanted to experiment with Rust FFI and ended up with command-line mape.) It currently doesn't export the background but that's easy to add.

I uploaded binaries for Windows and Linux here. Unfortunately, it's dynamically linked only, so it probably won't work on most distributions. The binary only depends on zlib without any GTK stuff, so it should be usable on Windows as a poor mape substitute while mape doesn't run there (is that actually still an issue?). (There's also a zoo of libstdc++ dlls because I couldn't figure out how to link that statically.)

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