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Up Topic New relaunch rule

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In Response to Fulgen
There have been changes to the relaunch system: There is now a new relaunch rule which handles relaunches, general respawns and player restarts. Due to this, it will be necessary to adapt the scenarios (all scenarios included in the main package have been updated).

Major compatibility issues (functions are all methods of the object returned by GetRelaunchRule())
* Rule_Restart needs to be replaced by EnablePlayerRestart()
* Rule_BaseRespawn needs to be replaced by SetBaseRespawn(true)
* FreeCrew and InventoryTransfer can be set by calling SetInventoryTransfer(true/false) and SetFreeCrew(true/false)
* Remove all existing respawn code in the scenario, it isn't needed any more.
* If the game mode is melee, the default relaunch count is 5, otherwise, it is nil (unlimited relaunches). You can set it with SetDefaultRelaunches(relaunches).

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